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Daniel is the founder and the lead project partner of OceanStrategy, a boutique business advisory providing research-based consultancy and enterprise project management services.
Daniel's suitability for complex corporate projects stems from his fluency in disparate disciplines. He can organize teams and workflows efficiently and demonstrates adeptness as a tactful negotiator. Over the years, he has honed his broad governance insight, project management expertise, and diplomatic skills through external and in-house advisory capacities.
Besides founding OceanStrategy, Daniel held key roles in transnational corporate development projects for privately-held mining and commodities trading corporations. He also assisted in deploying, commissioning, and running industrial photovoltaic power plants (Mediterranean) and an alluvial mining project (Central Asia). Daniel was as also involved in co-drafting the offering memorandum of a large-scale irrigation project (East Africa). With experience spanning mining, agriculture, trading, and energy, Daniel is focused on driving growth and innovation in these industries.
Daniel holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Malta and is reading for a Master of Arts in Diplomatic Studies at the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies. He is a member of the Institute for Global Negotiation (IGN) at the University of Zurich and the Institute of Financial Services Practitioners (IFSP) in Malta.
- Advisory & Professional Services
- Commodities Trading (Metals, Gas)
- Irrigation Infrastructure
- Mine Development (Gold Placer)
- Renewable Energy
- Sustainable Urban Development
- Directorship & Corporate Governance
- Corporate Development Projects
- Investor Relations
- Corporate Diplomacy
- International Trade & Political Affairs
- Global Governance
- Mediterranean Basin
- Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)
- Central Asia
Set Sail & Venture Forth
We invite you to get in touch and look forward to exploring new opportunities to make things happen together.
Get in touch via this website or contact Daniel via LinkedIn.